Monday, May 31, 2010

The i-Pad: How Can the Newspaper Publishing Industry Cash In?

-DB Ross

The release of the i-Pad is not big news— it's really big news, especially for the newspaper industry. The debate is raging about the significance that this new platform could have on the long term prospects of the newspaper industry.

On one side of the fence are those who assert that the device will be the savior of the newspaper business, and on the other are those who contend that it will only serve to quicken the demise of the ailing industry. In ten years we will all know which camp is correct.

One of the issues in the debate is the question of subscription revenues. Currently, Apple takes a 30 percent cut of subscription revenues for i-Pad content. Needless to say, publishers are not happy about giving that money up. However, Apple's model is still far more appealing than that of the Amazon Kindle, which takes 70 percent of subscription revenue.

A major criticism of the newspaper publishing industry is that it has been slow to embrace the i-Pad. The strategy of the magazine publishing industry is a good example of what newspaper could be doing differently. Conde Nast is eagerly working with Apple to push its content onto the i-Pad, announcing titles it plans to publish on the device. Another key development is the creation of Next Media Initiative, a consortium of magazine publishers working to develop strategies of dealing with the new technology.

The newspaper publishers are not even close to doing something like this. Maybe they should be.

Regardless of all the hype surrounding the i-Pad, the following question need to be answered if its potential to deliver sustainable success for the newspaper publishing industry will be realized:

How does advertising fit in?

Currently, online advertising revenue lags far behind print advertising revenue. The newspaper publishing industry needs to figure out how the i-Pad will change this fact. The advertising potential for this device is huge. If publishers take advantage of the personal nature of the i-Pad, such as its large screen and portability, they might be able to create a new advertising model that really makes money.

In the traditional newspaper industry business model most revenue comes from advertising and this fundamental fact is unlikely to change in the future. The true value of the i-Pad is its potential to serve as a new way to channel advertising to media consumers. At $499 a pop, consumers will not embrace tablet technology overnight.

Just as the traditional newspaper publishing business model has declined gradually, its future business models, centered around new advertising strategies afforded by tablet technology, will rise gradually— a fact that the newspaper business can take advantage of.

Blogger Ken Doctor takes note of this, asserting that the newspaper publishing industry can take advantage of the situation and lead the way for consumers. This means not merely reacting to technological changes as they have in past decades, but defining the rules that consumers will have to play by in the future.

If they do it right, the newspaper publishing industry will see huge growth in the next decade. If they do it wrong, they will likely go belly up.


The Daily Beast

Conde Nast

Next Issue Media

The Poynter Institute

Nieman Journalism Lab

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The New York Times Company: A Corporate Profile

by DB Ross

The New York Times Company founded in 1851, has approximately 12,150 employees and yields sales of over $3 billion per year. While starting out solely as a newspaper company, the organization has grown to become a diversified media company that owns newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations, electronic information services and electronic publishing. The company is made up of three major newspapers: The New York Times, The International Herald Tribune and The Boston Globe. The company also owns 16 smaller newspapers. The Times Syndicate sells media content such as articles, book excerpts and columns to over 2,000 newspapers and other media clients in more than 50 countries. It is the largest syndicate in the world in text, photos and graphics features.

The organization of the New York Times Company can be broken down into four primary media groups: The New York Times Media Group, The New England Media Group, Regional Media Group and About Group. The New York Times Company began diversifying its holdings in 1944 with the purchase of two New York City radio stations. Since then it has continued this trend. In addition to various media holdings, the New York Times Company also has ownership stakes in interests such as the Boston Red Sox,, and Baseline StudioSystems.

Though it is significantly diversified, the New York Times Company is essentially a horizontally integrated company. This is because the majority of its holdings are in media companies, not necessarily the distribution channels, the paper production mills etc.

The New York Times Company has a definite global reach. Its products are distributed in countries all over the world in more than 50 countries.

The chairman of the New York Times Company is Arthur O. Sulzberger. Sulzberger got his start as a reporter at the Raleigh Times and has worked his way up to the top of the corporate ladder since 1974.

Michael Golden is the Vice Chairman of the New York Times Company and President and Chief Operating Officer of the New York Times Company Regional Media Group. Golden has been in publishing since the late 70s and also serves on the board of the Associated Press.

According to its website, the top governing principles of the New York Times Company are creating quality content, fulfilling the public trust, treating employees fairly and creating good stockholder value.

In terms of advertising dollars The New York Times Company controls approximately 3 percent of the market share of the American news media. News Corps. And Google hold the top two spots, with 16 percent and 11 percent respectively. Clearly these are the top two competitors the New York Times Company is currently battling.

As any casual observer may already know the New York Times Company has seen profits decline in the past few years. In attempts to revers that trend, the company has capitalized on efforts to seize new opportunities in new technology. Namely: The Internet. It will be interesting to see how the future will play out for the New York Times Company. Will the reputable journalistic mainstay continue to be a strong presence in coming years, or will the company dwindle and die?

Time alone will tell.


The New York Times Company

The New York Times

The International Herald Tribune

The Boston Globe

New England Media Group

Regional Media Group

The Times Syndicate

Raleigh Times

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Commodity Profile: The New York Times

The New York Times is regarded by many to be the best newspaper on earth. While others might disagree, there should be no debate that the The New York Times is widely respected for its high standards of journalistic integrity. Critics assert that the ideology reflected in the The New York Times is unfairly liberal but the newspaper itself regards its purpose as a vital one in our democratic society. This is reflected in their mission statement:

To enhance society by creating, collecting and distributing high quality news, information and entertainment.”

The New York Times is an influential paper but its bias can be recognized. A telling example is a 2008 incident in which the paper refused to publish an Op-ed piece by John McCain in response to one the paper published by Barak Obama.

The New York Times is considered influential culturally as well. Its coverage of the arts, literature, film, and drama is extensive. A positive review from The Times can make or break an upcoming author.

The most obvious form this media commodity takes is the physical newspaper itself. The circulation for the physical copy of the newspaper is about 760,000. That's a lot of newspapers, but it is down about 30 percent of what it was in 1998.

The distribution system for the paper is pretty impressive. In most areas it can be delivered to your door by 6:30 a.m. Every morning. If only they brought you hot coffee too.

These days, electronic versions of the paper are becoming more and more popular. Its electronic version has a circulation of only about 90,000. With the cost for the daily paper at $2, rates have increased 38 percent since 2000.

The New York Times makes most of its money from ad revenue. However, ad revenue has decreased 15 percent since last year. That's not good for the paper. surprisingly total profit is down too.

Despite decreasing circulation and revenue of the physical broadsheet paper, NYTimes Digital, a synergy with and, made an astounding $53.1 million in the first half of 2004 alone.

Newspapers everywhere are aggressively capitalizing on a remarkable new product platform: e-readers. E-editions for The New York Times for platforms such as the Kindle are said to have increased by 40 percent. The New York Times was very quick to introduce an I-pad app for its digital edition. If the I-pad becomes as big as Steve Jobs hopes it will, that may prove significant. However, if in the future newspapers are only available on these devices, the only people informed of the news would be those with enough capital to afford an I-pad. (They're not cheap!)

Currently, The New York Times' website is free. Karl Marxist would probably think its a good thing that so much information is available at no cost to the average worker, but that will soon change. Next year, they plan on charging for all web content.

The New York Times keeps a tight wrap on their product. You need express permission from the company to use or license their stories or photos. They own the content, so you have to play by their rules.

The New York Times makes most of its money from ad revenue. However, ad revenue has decreased 15 percent since last year. That's not good for the paper. Not surprisingly total profit is down too.

In my opinion, The New York Times is at a crucial juncture in history. It is one of the most important papers in the world and wields wide influence over culture and politics. Decreasing circulation and ad revenue are alarming, but aggressive attempts to take advantage of new media platforms may be the savior of The Times. Creating a synergy between the online edition, print edition and e-readers may very well prove to be the profitable new business model to propel The Times into the 22st Century.

To close out, an interesting lecture about the future direction of The New York Times


The New York Times

New York Times Company


Business Week

UCLA Newsroom